Working Family Allowance Scheme


The Working Family Allowance (WFA) Scheme encourages self-reliance and eases inter-generational poverty. Applications under the WFA Scheme are made on a household basis (including singleton households). A household meeting the working hour requirements, income and asset limits may apply for a Basic Allowance, Medium Allowance or Higher Allowance. Each eligible child may also be eligible for a Child Allowance. Depending on the household income, the allowances may be granted at full rate, 3/4 rate or half rate.

Examples to help you understand the WFA Scheme

Example 1:

This is a singleton household.
The applicant has a full-time job. He works 144 hours a month and the household income is $12,000 per month. He owns assets valued at $240,000.

  • The applicant works for 144 hours but less than 168 hours per month, and is eligible for the Basic Allowance.

  • 3/4-rate allowance will be granted as the monthly household income exceeds the Monthly Household Income Upper Limit for full-rate allowance but is less than that for 3/4-rate allowance for a singleton household.

  • The household asset value does not exceed the Monthly Asset Limit for a singleton household.

Applicable to the claim months of April 2024 or after
The household meets the eligibility criteria for WFA. The monthly allowance is -

3/4-rate Basic Allowance
$1,150 x 3/4
3/4-rate Basic Allowance($1,150 x 3/4) = Total($863)

Applicable to the claim months from June 2022 to March 2024
The household meets the eligibility criteria for WFA. The monthly allowance is -

3/4-rate Basic Allowance
$1,000 x 3/4
3/4-rate Basic Allowance($1,000 x 3/4) = Total($750)
Example 2:

This is a household of four members comprising the parents, a son and a daughter who are 3 and 6 years old respectively.
The father has a full-time job and the mother is a housewife. The father works 200 hours a month and the household income is $18,000 per month. The household owns assets valued at $300,000.

  • The father works for not less than 192 hours per month, and is eligible for the Higher Allowance.

  • Full-rate allowance will be granted as the monthly household income does not exceed the Monthly Household Income Upper Limit for full-rate allowance for a four-person household.

  • The household asset value does not exceed the Monthly Asset Limit for a four-person household.

  • Both children meet the eligibility criteria for receiving the Child Allowance.

Applicable to the claim months of April 2024 or after
This household meets the eligibility criteria for WFA. The monthly allowance is -

Full-rate Higher Allowance
Full-rate Child Allowance
$1,610 x 2
Full-rate Higher Allowance($1,610)+Full-rate Child Allowance($1,610 x 2)=Total($4,830)

Applicable to the claim months from June 2022 to March 2024
This household meets the eligibility criteria for WFA. The monthly allowance is -

Full-rate Higher Allowance
Full-rate Child Allowance
$1,400 x 2
Full-rate Higher Allowance($1,400)+Full-rate Child Allowance($1,400 x 2)=Total($4,200)
Example 3:

This is a household of six members comprising the parents, a daughter who is 14 years old, a son who is 18 years old and attending full-time Secondary school and a 70-year-old grandfather and grandmother.
The father has a full-time job. He works 180 hours a month and earns $30,000 per month. The mother is a part-time salesperson. She works 30 hours a month and earns $4,000 per month. The household income is $34,000 ($30,000 + $4,000) per month and the household owns assets valued at $450,000.

  • The aggregated monthly working hours of the couple are 210 hours (180+30 hours) which are not less than 192 hours per month, and the household is eligible for the Higher Allowance.

  • Half-rate allowance will be granted as the monthly household income does not exceed the Monthly Household Income Upper Limit for half-rate allowance for a six-person household.

  • The household asset value does not exceed the Monthly Asset Limit for a six-person household.

  • Both the 14-year-old daughter and 18-year-old son meet the eligibility criteria for receiving the Child Allowance.

  • The Old Age Living Allowance received by the 70-year-old grandfather and grandmother is not taken into account under the income test.

Applicable to the claim months of April 2024 or after
This household meets the eligibility criteria for WFA. The monthly allowance is -

Half-rate Higher Allowance
$1,610 x 1/2
Half-rate Child Allowance
$1,610 x 2 x 1/2
Half-rate Higher Allowance($1,610x1/2=$805)+Half-rate Child Allowance($1,610 x 2 x 1/2=$1,610)=Total($2,415)

Applicable to the claim months from June 2022 to March 2024
This household meets the eligibility criteria for WFA. The monthly allowance is -

Half-rate Higher Allowance
$1,400 x 1/2
Half-rate Child Allowance
$1,400 x 2 x 1/2
Half-rate Higher Allowance($1,400x1/2=$800)+Half-rate Child Allowance($1,400 x 2 x 1/2=$1300)=Total($2,100)
Example 4:

This is a single-parent household of two members comprising the mother and a daughter who is 8 years old.
The mother has multiple part-time jobs. She works a total of 132 hours a month and the household income is $12,000 per month. The household owns assets valued at $150,000.

  • The single-parent mother works for not less than 72 hours per month. The daughter who lives with the single-parent mother is aged below 15 that the household could benefit from the lower working hour thresholds and be eligible for the Higher Allowance.

  • Full-rate allowance will be granted as the monthly household income does not exceed the Monthly Household Income Upper Limit for full-rate allowance for a two-person household.

  • The household asset value does not exceed the Monthly Asset Limit for a two-person household.

  • The 8-year-old daughter meets the eligibility criteria for receiving the Child Allowance.

Applicable to the claim months of April 2024 or after
This household meets the eligibility criteria for WFA. The monthly allowance is -

Full-rate Higher Allowance
Full-rate Child Allowance
Full-rate Higher Allowance($1,610)+Full-rate Child Allowance($1,610)=Total($3,220)

Applicable to the claim months from June 2022 to March 2024
This household meets the eligibility criteria for WFA. The monthly allowance is -

Full-rate Higher Allowance
Full-rate Child Allowance
Full-rate Higher Allowance($1,400)+Full-rate Child Allowance($1,400)=Total($2,800)